Monday, August 11, 2008

the Olympic memory

It is funny how your kids can spark a happy memory that they had no idea about the time they sparking the memories to.

I'll give you a map to that sentence.
What I mean is my daughter was sitting here and she DESPERATELY wanted to watch the summer Olympics. So I caved and let her. ( I'm not a HUGE fan myself)

Instantly while watching it my brain rushes back in time to before she was born, back when Cameron and I got out first place together.

We had no money. The apartment was small, (It was in the west end of down town Vancouver). It had a weird green light bulb in the dining room. We had no money, I was going to school ( VCC) and Cameron was just getting over a strike. Both of our mom's gave us groceries ( care packages) for our move out together. Both of them included a 2kg bag of peas each, and we had also bought a bag 2 kg bag of peas....We ate peas forever (Cameron is still sick of peas to this day)

The reason the Olympics remind me of all that is because we had no cable and we only got one channel ....the mother corp. CBC and what did they have on almost ALWAYS?? the Olympics!

I remember walking up the back alley to the back of my building and seeing Cameron's goofy grin, and him waving like a maniac from our microscopic kitchen (honestly I think the bathroom was bigger, and that you had to step into the tub to open the door to get out)

Those were some hard and wonderful times.

That was the apt we lived in when Cameron asked me to marry him. We had been farting around walking around the west end, checking out the "open houses" (mostly just to see what in insides of other places looked like, and to get free dough nuts). I had a vanilla latte (big shock there.... I know) We where just walking down the road and he turned me to give me a kiss, and after the kiss he looked at me and said "will you marry me".

You could have knocked me down with a feather.

I could have burst.

He told me later that he had planned to do a huge do ...banners and all...and have a ring in hand, but he got SOOO excited he just had to ask right there right then.
When he did get my engagement ring he did bring it to me at work and sang to me in the court yard in the front of the building....

You know I ~~HATE~~ country music, but I ABSOLUTLY LOVE hearing Cameron sing. Him singing to me means more than he'll ever know....He puts so much of himself into it you can't help but feel moved...Like he is reaching out with his heart and soul for my heart and soul.

So now I'm sitting here watch the Olympics again , and not wanting to but being soooooo filled of happy-go-shiny feelings from my memories, makes watching it not bad at all.


  1. Thank you for sharing such a great memory :)

  2. Oh Lorna, this made me cry, so beautiful:)
